


Holistic nutrition is nourishment for the body, mind, and spirit. Healing the “whole” person with food medicine. It’s about knowing how your food is grown, harvested, prepared, and eaten.

Connecting back to nature and eating foods in their purest form as much as possible, letting go of processed foods. There’s so much to explore!

I’ll help you to discover your relationship and emotional attachment to food and learn how to plan and prepare whole foods. You’ll learn how to make fresh juice, whole-food smoothies, and fresh nut milks. You’ll know the ingredients, additives, preservatives, sweeteners, fats, grains, etc. to avoid and the ones that are healthier to consume.

Together, we will design an eating plan that fits your lifestyle!


Small-Group Classes are available. Check the events schedule to learn more.

Private Sessions are available. Take your holistic journey deeper with one-on-one sessions. Your first consultation is free! Schedule here.



Your breath is your life force!

We often cut off our life force in times of stress and overwhelm. The breath can be used to calm, energize and balance the nervous system. You’ll learn simple to in-depth breathing exercises to use during meditation or throughout the day to bring you back to your center.

Private Sessions are available. Take your holistic journey deeper with one-on-one sessions. Your first consultation is free! Schedule here.


Private Sessions are available. Take your holistic journey deeper with one-on-one sessions. Your first consultation is free! Schedule here.




Our system (body, mind, soul) seeks and strives for balance. When we are out of balance, dis-ease, discomfort, and overwhelm creep in. It’s important to balance movement (action) and Stillness (contemplation). 

Consistent intentional movement of the body - walking, running, yoga, cross-fit, beach body, weight lifting, dancing, shaking the body, etc. - helps not only our physical bodies to be healthy but it helps to release energy held within the tissues. Think about all that you hold on to; it needs to be moved! 

Intentional movement also circulates lymph and strengthens the immune system. How do you like to move your body? I will help with implementing a consistent movement practice.

You slow down to catch up! Stillness, silence, and solitude are necessary for you. Detachment from the business of the mind brings you to your wellspring! The place of knowing that goes beyond the mind and connects you to the outpouring of Spirit.  The ego gets what it wants with words the soul finds what it needs in silence. Learn the practice of meditation, contemplative prayer, guided meditation, The Welcoming Prayer, The Examen, or Mantra.   


Private Sessions are available. Take your holistic journey deeper with one-on-one sessions. Your first consultation is free! Schedule here.




Using sound vibration is a powerful tool for healing, expression, and praying/meditation. Your voice is the most unique sound on the entire earth. No one sounds like you do! Use your voice as a way to express trapped emotions. Through prayers/mantras and sound. What sound would anger make? Sadness? Joy?

The frame drum has been played for thousands of years as a tool for healing and as a way to connect with the earth and the Divine. The sound of the drum mimics the beat of the heart, connecting you to your own heart. Rhythm is medicine for the body; melody is medicine for the heart. When played together, harmony (drum and voice expression) is medicine for the soul.    


Small-Group Classes are available. Check the events schedule to learn more.

Private Sessions are available. Take your holistic journey deeper with one-on-one sessions. Your first consultation is free! Schedule here.

 “Seriously, she is AMAZING
